People of Melaka

...and these are their stories

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“Orang Melaka ni baik-baik, antara orang paling baik di Malaysia. Dia mudah mesra. Budaya kosmopolitan di Melaka sudah wujud beratus tahun dahulu.”​

Ali Hassan Ahmad

Penghulu Rembia

Koh Choo Siah


“In the old days, woodcarving was popular amongst the people, but now it’s a dying trade.”

“Tolak sikit. Melaka mahu kasi gua PBM. Pingat ini tak kasi hasil, buat apa!”

Omar bin Embi

Penjual Mee Rebus

Bernard Tan

Tengkera Resident

“We played tembak-tembak, shooting; you will make your own gun, a wooden gun from a plank.”

Future Oral History

More Melakans

Shamsuddin Abdul

“Salasilah keluarga kita memang salasilah asal pengusaha kereta lembu dari zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.”

Victor Chin

"As a young person coming into Malacca in those days, the most memorable thing was coming through the paddy fields."

Chin Yik Keun

“During the Occupation I was nearly recruited to become a labourer in the Thai-Burma railway.“

Martin Theseira

“I had to give up fishing. The fishes we catch are getting less…”

Cedric Tan

“Yes, we are Peranakan but we are part of the Peranakan. We are not THE Peranakan.”

Abdul Rahim Muhammad

“Tapi nak tanya lebih-lebih orang tua-tua pun dah takda lagi.”